First up is my Warp Spiders squad, including my converted exarch. The five of them were good fun to paint; I've always enjoyed painting red, and as that is the main colour for this particular Aspect, it was a bit of a treat.
The colour scheme starts with Mechrite Red, which is then layered up through Scab Red to Blood Red. Edge highlights were added in Blazing Orange, then the armour was washed in a mix of Baal Red and Devlan Mud. The weapon muzzles were painted in Dark Angels Green, slowly blended up through Snot Green to 50/50 Snot Green and Skull White. A final spot of Skull White was put in the centre of each section; this was then washed quite heavily with Thrakka Green wash, leaving the weapon looking like it is glowing.
To make the squad stand out a little, I decided to paint an individual 'spider web' pattern onto each of their jump packs in Skull White. The trick to this is combining a steady hand with properly thinned paint; too thin, and the white won't cover properly, too thick and it looks like the spiders drew the motiffs on in crayon! If you want to try something like this, I would suggest following the advice seen in a recent White Dwarf. Mark out roughly where you want the pattern to go, or even draw it out on paper before you start.
I did none of the above, of course, but then I didn't get the title FlashGit for nothing :) I hope to add more spiders to the squad at some future date, but for now, the squad looks nice as it is, methinks.
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